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Institute of Neurosciences with 24x7 Emergency Stroke Care

Medanta Institute of Neurosciences is an integrated institute with dedicated team of neurologists, neuro interventionists, neuro-anaesthetists, and ...


We have specialised clinics and team of doctors to provide expert diagnosis and treatment for all kinds of nervous system issues including:

Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disease in which the memories and thinking ability of a person start depleting and eventually destroys the ability of that person to perform everyday activities and tasks.

Brain tumours are abnormal growth of cells in the brain. Brain tumours can be malignant (cancerous) or benign. Malignant tumours can grow and spread rapidly. Benign tumours typically do not spread but can still cause problems. Both benign and malignant tumours should be treated by specialist neurologists or neurosurgeons.

A brain aneurysm or a cerebral aneurysm is a disorder of the arteries or the veins in the brain which causes a localised dilation or ballooning of the blood vessel. This can cause a rupture in the blood vessel which can be fatal. This rupturing and bleeding is commonly known as haemorrhage. It is one of the leading causes in world for paralysis.

A series of repeated seizures is called epilepsy. A seizure occurs because of the disturbed electrical activity inside the brain. Seizures can occur due to improper sleep, missed or too much antiepileptic medication, severe emotional and physical stress, changes in hormones, alcohol or drugs, etc

Headache disorders, characterized by recurrent headache, are among the most common disorders of the nervous system.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system that disrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and body. MS is caused when the immune system attacks a fatty material called myelin, which wraps around nerve fibres. Without this outer shell, nerves become damaged preventing the brain from sending signals to the body correctly which causes difficulty in movement and sensation.

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a chronic and progressive movement disorder, meaning that symptoms continue and worsen over time. Parkinson’s involves the malfunction and death of vital nerve cells in the brain producing dopamine. Dopamine is an essential chemical that is required for the effortless functioning of muscles and precise movements.

The spine is a very delicate and important part of the central nervous system of the body. The spine can have numerous issues like lumbar canal stenosis, whiplash, degenerative disc disease, intradural spinal tumour, extradural spinal tumour, spinal injury due to fall or trauma, infections like TB in spine. 

When supply of blood to part of the brain is stopped or reduced then a person can suffer a stroke. It is a very serious life-threatening medical condition, which require immediate medical attention. The sooner a person gets the required medical assistance, the lesser damage is likely to happen.


The Medanta Institute of Neurosciences at Lucknow is equipped with world-class technologies including the CyberKnife VSI Robotic Radiosurgery System, ‘Brain Suite’ Miyabi intraoperative MRI OT, Intraoperative O-Arm Spine Suite and other advanced neuro-imaging techniques.


Epilepsy - All You Need to Know | Medanta Lucknow | Dr Anup Kumar Thacker

Headaches and Their Types | Treatment for Headaches | Dr. Anup Kumar Thacker | Medanta, Lucknow

Patient Success Story - Epilepsy / Fits Treatment | मिर्गी / फिट उपचार | Dr. A.K. Thacker | Medanta

ब्रेन स्ट्रोक क्या है? | What is Stroke? | Brain Attack | Dr. Anup Kumar Thacker | Medanta Lucknow


Consult a team of professionals who have extensive expertise diagnosing and treating the complexity of the neurological system and are dedicated to providing patients with the best possible care.

Director - Neurology
Institute of Neurosciences
Associate Director
Institute of Neurosciences
Director - Neurosurgery
Institute of Neurosciences
Senior Consultant - Mental Health
Institute of Neurosciences
Institute of Neurosciences
Associate Consultant
Institute of Neurosciences
Associate Consultant
Institute of Neurosciences


We have the most advanced technologies to tackle complex neurological conditions with unparalleled ease, allowing us to provide speedy and superlative-quality care to patients.

At Medanta, the 3.0 Tesla MRI technology allows our health-care team to provide you with early diagnosis and treatment, subsequently reducing potential complications. The 3.0 Tesla MRI is a highly efficient technology that allows for faster scan times and more patient comfort without sacrificing quality. This technology's image clarity is very useful for pathological diseases of the brain, spine, and musculoskeletal system.

Medanta offers the latest state-of-the-art diagnosis, by using 256 Slice CT, one of the latest technological advancements in the field of medical diagnosis. This is an innovative non-invasive imaging technique that is specifically used for all kinds of heart diseases and disorders, to obtain a complete 3-Dimensional visual representation of the heart and other organs, in less than 5 seconds providing detailed information about the structure and functioning of the heart while the detector picks up on varying densities of the organ. The 256-slice CT scan provides a quantum leap in non-invasive imaging techniques.

Transoesophageal echocardiography is performed in a special heart catheterization suite. The process employs two sets of imaging sources and cameras, each of which is free to move, allowing two sets of photos to be taken with each infusion of radiocontrast. Medanta was the 1st hospital in Delhi-NCR to have a biplane cath lab.

In clinical settings, EEG means recording of the brain's unconstrained electrical action over a timeframe, as recorded from different terminals placed on the scalp. Voltage fluctuations are measured by the EEG which are caused from the ionic current inside the neurons of the brain. It is used to diagnose sleep disorders, epilepsy, brain death, encephalopathies and coma.

Brainwaves on an EEG and a video of what is happening in the meantime are recorded in a video EEG test. The object is to have the capacity to perceive what is going on when you have an event or seizure and contrast the photo with what the EEG records in the meantime. Sounds that happen amid the testing are likewise recorded - this can increase if a man talks or makes sounds amid an event. By doing this, specialists reading the EEG can tell if the event or seizure was identified with the electrical movement in the brain.