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Institute Of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Orthopaedics

At Medanta Ranchi, we have a renowned team of orthopaedic surgeons and physical therapists, focused on all kinds of musculoskeletal conditions, bir ...


Doctors, nurses, and therapists at the Institute of Musculoskeletal Problems and Orthopaedics collaborate to deliver the highest quality of care to patients suffering from musculoskeletal disorders including:

Even after being very common arthritis is not well understood. It isn’t a single disease instead it is an informal way of referring to joint disease or joint pain. There are around 100 distinct sorts of arthritis and similar conditions. Individuals of any gender, age and races can have arthritis. It is very common among ladies and happens all the more often at times as individuals get older. The genes that a person gets from his/her ancestors are the major risk factors for almost all the forms of arthritis. Some of the symptoms are stifness, swelling and pain in the joints.

The abnormal growth of cells within a particular bone is known as bone tumour. A bone tumour can be malignant(cancerous) or benign(noncancerous). Nobody has been able to specify any particular reason or cause for bone tumours. There are two types of bone tumours- primary and secondary. If the cancer starts within a bone, it is known as primary bone tumour and if it starts in a different part of the body, it is known as secondary bone tumour. Treatment depends on the where the cancer started in case of cancerous bone tumours.

Brachial plexus is a system of nerves that starts in the neck  and branch off to shape a large portion of alternate nerves that control sensation and movement in the upper limbs, including hand, forearm and arm. In majority of the cases trauma leads to adult brachial plexus injuries. An avulsion pain(a crushing, burning kind of pain) in the injured nerves is experienced by some of the patients. It is difficult to track the rate of recovery of function because of the broad spectrum of plexus injuries. 

Congenital limb deficiencies and amputations are incomplete or missing limbs at birth. The general predominance is 7.9/10,000 live births. Factors that increase the occurrence of congenital limb defect are growth restriction, genetic abnormalities and/or mechanical forces that may be affecting the baby in the uterus during it’s development process. Providing the patient with a limb that function properly and has a normal appearance is the overall objective of the treatment here at Medanta.

Degenerative Disc Disease(DDD) mostly happens due to aging, but nowadays it can happen to people as young as 20-21. In DDD your discs become more rigid and stiff due to the decrease in water attracting molecules in your disc. Only after a several months of non-surgical treatment which includes medication and regular check-ups the patient should consider a surgery.

In case of a normal person the spine goes straight down the middle but when a person’s backbone curves to the side in an angle which is more than 10 degrees than he/she has scoliosis. Symptoms can be pain in the shoulders, neck and back which lead to limited mobility. In case of women it can lead to painful menstruation too. Orthopedists usually recommend surgery for curves which are greater than 45 to 50 degree of magnitude. It is virtually impossible to completely straighten a scoliotic spine, but usually a significant correction is achieved.

Abnormality in the shape, alignment or formation of the vertebral column is known as spinal deformities. Some signs of deformities are uneven hips, uneven shoulders, misalignment of the head or a projecting shoulder blade. Severity and diagnosis of the deformation decides the treatment process. If there are neurological problems or severe pain than a spine stablization surgery is carried out but if the curvature of deformation is less than 45 degress than the deformation can be cured by exercising, weight maintenance and building muscle tone and strength.

Injury which a person sustains while playing a particular sport or while exercising is called a sports injury. There are two notable types of sports injuries i.e acute and chronic injury. Acute injury happens during playing or exercising for example fractures, sprains etc. Chronic injury occurs after a person has played or exercised for a long time. If an injury leads to severe swelling, pain or numbness than the person should call a doctor as soon as possible or else it’s safe to treat the injury at home if you don’t have any of the mentioned signs.

An abnormal growth of cells in a person’s spine is called as a spinal tumour. Some basic indications of spinal tumours are muscle weakness or numbness in the legs or arms, difficulty with urination, pain or difficulty in standing, normal loss of sensation, difficulty in walking, pain in the back and/or neck, legs and/or arm. Primary spinal tumours have a tendency to occur in younger adults and most of them are benign and slow growing. Spinal tumours are very rare.

Physical injuries of severity and sudden onset which require immediate medical consideration are basically known as traumatic injury. Many researches show that reaching the right place at the right time, which is commonly referred as the “Golden Hour” or the initial hour after the occurrence of a major multi trauma is critical. Definitive repair can only occur after the bleeding is controlled. Main objective of the treatment here at Medanta is to save life and limb while performing the least number of procedures.


The Institute of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Orthopaedics combines the skills of its accomplished doctors and surgeons with the latest pioneering technology and medical advancements to treat all injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


The state-of-the-art infrastructure allows us to provide a wide range of treatment options while keeping abreast of the latest innovations in the field.

At Medanta Institute Of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Orthopaedics, we ensure that we deliver consistent results with the help of Computer Navigation System. Computer-assisted navigation is an advanced technology favoured by surgeons to guide them in real time and decrease the risk of errors during an operation. It helps in making precise cuts and getting optimal results.

Patient-specific 3D printed implants are a path breaking technology allowing for customisation as per the patient. They are used in complex orthopaedic reconstruction surgeries and for treating difficult tumors and infections.

The field of orthopaedics greatly benefits from the use of high-resolution cameras to properly diagnose and treat patients. It provides a clear and enhanced view of the damaged body part and allows for accuracy in treatment.

Medanta provides a wide range of spinal surgery choices. Bracing, medication, functional restoration, and pain modalities are some of the treatments available for conditions such as cervical spondylosis, herniated lumbar discs, herniated cervical discs, spinal cord injury, spinal osteoarthritis, spinal tumors, spinal infections, spinal stenosis, lower back pain, and kyphosis.

The O-Arm system is a 2D and 3D intraoperative imaging system that comes with robotic motion controls, laser alignment and multiple image protocols that can be saved. It optimizes image quality, patient dose and surgical workflow.

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